Sunday, January 25, 2009

Setting Out My Goals

"Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds."
- Albert Einstein

I’ve been working on the 4Life Research business for the last 3 weeks or more. It’s been a very interesting 3 weeks or so. I haven’t recruited anyone as yet but I am very hopeful for the future. The reason why I haven’t recruited anyone is not because of lack of interest. Just that I haven’t really spoken to many people about the program as yet.

What I've Done So Far

Besides writing posts in this blog, I’ve spent quite a considerable amount of time translating materials about the business. It is quite inconvenient to have most of the materials in English, especially since I’m targeting mainly a Malay market. But I do believe once I’ve got all the materials properly translated, I will find it easier to talk to my target market about the product, the compensation plans and the company.

In the mean time, I will continue to talk to friends and family about the products. My main aim is to get my friends and family to consume the product first. I’ve given some samples to friends and family and so far the response I’ve got from them is quite favourable. Everyone who has taken the sample has felt better from consuming the product.

Now that I’ve got them interested in the product, it’s time to decide which avenue I’m going to pursue next. I have 2 choices, I can either try to recruit them as distributors, or I can just continue to promote the product to them and get them to become customers. Either way, I get to earn an income from their consumption of the product.

Besides these family and friends, there are other friends who I think would join as distributors. These are the ones who will help me build my own mini empire. Pretty soon, I will start building my mini empire and hopefully by May this year, I’ll be earning a reasonable income from this business.

My Goals

I guess since I mentioned the month of May already, I should tell you my immediate targets for this year. My first target is in April 2009. My first target is by April 2009, I won’t have to spend any more money to maintain myself in this business. I’m hoping that the business will pay by itself. The minimum 100LP required to keep me as a distributor will be paid by the commissions I earn from the business.

My second target is May 2009. This target is a bit more ambitious. I’m hoping by end of May 2009, I will make it to the rank of Diamond. It is ambitious but I’m hoping that by my business will grow exponentially. It has started a bit slow due to the language barrier, but once things have settled down, I have all the materials ready, I know the business will take off.

So, by May 2009, I will have started earning a reasonable income from this business and this business will just take off from there.

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