Since I haven’t got any broadband connection, I’ve got to rely on my GPRS connection (if anyone knows what that means, please enlighten me). All I know is that it is so slow and highly unreliable. I’ve been getting booted out too often recently. I definitely have to sort out my broadband connection bill soon.
The Rewards
At this moment, I am not connected to the internet. This post is being written in Microsoft Word and will be copied to my blog once I’ve got my connection back. In the mean time, I do what I have to do to keep this blog going. Today’s post is about the Rewards Plan for those who decide to join the 4Life Research business. I would love to do the explanation in one post, but then it would be too long and I would probably lose your attention half way through. So I’ll start with the first method in which you can earn income from this business and see how things go at the end.
Life Points (LP)
Before I go on, let me explain about LP. Every time you buy a product from 4Life Research, you earn LP. How much LP you earn depends on the product you buy. For example, buying 1 bottle of 4Life TF Plus Advanced Formula (which is what I first bought) earns you 50 LP. The same goes for 4Life TF RioVida, But if you were to buy 4Life TF Advanced Formula instead, you would only earn 35 LP. 4Life TF Renewall earns you 16 LP and other products would earn you different amounts of LP too.
Becoming a Distributor
In order to become a distributor, you need to purchase products which would earn you a minimum of 100LP together with the “Compass Kit” (I think I already explained what this is in a previous post. Not sure which one though). In order to attract more distributors, 4Life Research has offered different packages for potential distributors to buy which results in massive savings. For example, when I signed up, I bought a package which consisted of 3 bottles of 4Life TF Plus which is worth RM 696.00 and the “Compass Kit” all for a very low price of RM 615.00 (Mentioned this before too). This package earned me a total of 115 LP
There are other packages available. If you’re interested, feel free to send me an email and I can send you more information on the packages.
Rapid Rewards
Now that I’ve explained what LP is and how you can become a distributor, I guess I should move on to the rewards of being a distributor. Like any other Multilevel Marketing Program, you earn a commission every time you sign up a new distributor. I’m not sure about some of the other programs, but with 4Life Research, you earn 25% of the Leadership Points (LP) each time you sign up a new distributor.
As an example, I earned 115 LP when I signed up. So in recruiting me, my upline earned 25% of my LP which is equivalent to 28.75 LP. Each LP translates to USD 1.00. So my upline has earned USD 28.75 by recruiting me. The exchange rate used by 4Life Research in paying Malaysian distributors is RM 3.775 for every USD 1.00. Since I don’t have a calculator handy, and trying to calculate this amount using just brain power is so taxing, I’m just going to estimate the amount, It should be somewhere around RM 90.00 for each new distributor you sign up.
Continued in next post
Since this post has gone on a bit longer than I expected (mainly due to my rambling at the beginning), I’ll have to continue this in another post. In that post, I hope I can finish explaining to you about the next 2 methods you get to earn from this program which is Preferred Customer and Personal LP Payout.
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