- Peggy Tabor Millin
As I said before, these three factors are crucial in determining whether an MLM program is successful or not, the product, the rewards plan and the support you get from the company and your uplines. 4Life research has got one of the best products on the market. The product basically sells by itself. The product is the scientific breakthrough of the century and has helped thousands of people improve their lives and their health.
But like I said, there’s no point in having a great product and a great rewards plan if you don’t have the support you need to make the business work. This is where Platinum Networkers comes into play. 4Life Research provides their distributors with the “Compass Kit” which is everything you need to know about the business and also some additional materials about the business and the products. It also organizes some training sessions especially for new distributors. But that alone is not sufficient to provide you with in-depth knowledge of how to run your business.
One of the most important aspect of what Platinum Networkers does for new distributors is that they try to build your confidence. In this business, confidence can make the difference between success or failure (Looks like a lot of things can make a difference between success or failure. But that’s the way business is. Your success depends on a lot of factors). Platinum Networkers provide all kinds of training, role playing, and other activities, mainly targeted at building your confidence. The more confident you are, the higher the chances of success.
This is why I chose 4Life Research as a business. Not just because of the products or the rewards plan. But also because of the support and teamwork given by Platinum Networkers. They are there when you need them the most, that is during the first few months of your business, when you think nothing in this business is working for you, you’re struggling to recruit your first downline or find your first customer, they will be there behind you all the way. That is the most important part of the business.
Platinum Victory? (Paragraph 4)