Internet Marketing or Network Marketing, took the concept of Multilevel Marketing one step further. Before the internet, the reach of multilevel marketing programs was limited to just your local area, or your state or in the case of a country as small as Malaysia, the entire country. Companies who wanted to venture on an international level would first have to establish an office in another country before recruiting their distributors.
Trying to make a sales or recruiting a new distributor involved a lot of hard work too. Distributors would have to do a lot of direct selling, door to door marketing and try to persuade the potential distributor to join the MLM program. That was the case when Amway started out back in the 70's. In fact, some of the direct selling practices are still being in use.
With the introduction of the internet MLM programs found it much easier to overcome the obstacles of direct selling. It became much easier to cross international borders. All these companies needed was a presence on the internet. Since venturing into internet marketing, a lot of distributors have found that they do not need to make direct sales. All they have to do is promote the product and the sales would be done through the internet.
Nowadays, to build a network marketing program is much easier. All that a company needs to launch a massive internet marketing campaign is to recruit some of the internets top network marketing specialists. These are people who are hugely successful in network marketing and have made millions from promoting other peoples product. Over the years, they have built huge networks consisiting of millions of people. Companies have found that this is the easiest and quickest way to promote a product on the internet.
So the biggest question here is can network marketing work for everyone? The simplest answer is it can. But it does involve a lot of work. Like any other merketing program, network marketing involves a lot of research, a lot of writing and also a lot of promoting. However, the beauty of network marketing is that you can do it from the comfort of your own home and at your own pace. You do not have to travel miles to get to an office at an unGodly hour. You do not have to sit idling in your car, while traveling at 5 mph through some of the worst traffic on the planet. And the most beautiful part of it, once everything is set up, it's all on autopilot. You don't have to do much work.
Saturday, January 3, 2009
Internet Marketing...
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