Tuesday, April 28, 2009

The Difference is Attitude

I’ve been staring at a blank screen for the last 30 minutes now without having any idea what to write about today. Well actually, that’s not true. I haven’t had any idea what to blog about for the last few days. My last post was kind of a last minute kind of thing and I wrote it because I hadn’t written anything in a while. Now I’m still struggling with the same problem and I’ve decided to just write whatever that crosses my mind.

The last few years of my life haven’t been that easy. People who have known me for a while now know that some of the toughest times in my life have been the last few years. Although my life hasn’t exactly gotten easier, I’m feeling more positive about it. Looking back at how I was over the last few years, and the last month or so, I guess the biggest difference has been my attitude.

I’ve always been someone who goes with the flow of things. I accept whatever that happens around me and just do whatever that needs to be done to adapt to that situation. Instead of taking initiative to get ahead in life, I react to whatever that happens in my life.

Recently I’ve discovered that this isn’t very productive. This attitude always ensures that you’re one step behind life. You’re reacting to whatever that goes on in your life instead of trying to take control of your life and lead it the way you want it to go.

Over the last few months, I’ve changed my attitude. Instead of just simply reacting to the things going on around me, I’m taking more initiative. I’m pointing my life in the direction I want it to go. Although there are still times when I will react to what goes on in my life, but I’m more focused and more driven.

I guess what I’m getting at is that as your attitude changes; your life becomes more focused. Attitude is one of the critical ingredients in the result you obtain in life. It is the determining factor in your success or failure. Attitude is a combination of your thinking, your emotions, your way of viewing events and circumstances around you and also your perspective.

Many times, we face problems that seem to us as insurmountable or we face circumstances that seem to be beyond our control. There are certain facts in life that cannot be changed. But our attitude can overcome those facts. Spud Webb was born short, but he had an attitude that he wasn’t going to let his stature determine how far he went. He won the dunk contest for the National Basketball Association (NBA).

If you want an attitude that improves the quality of your life and enables you to achieve your dreams, then you must work for it, work at it and work on it. You can’t just sit back and wait for it to happen. You need to make a decision to have a positive attitude. You have to realize that you might not be able to control the things that happen around you or to you, but you can control the things that happen in you.



  1. hmmm good write-up.In life we ourselves have to make the difference. good attitude is what you need. the bad ones leave it behind.......

    All is in your mind. Believe in yourself & you'll know the best right?

  2. Thank you Marina for the comment. It's true that it's all your mind. Believing in yourself, your capabilities and your dreams is important to achieve a successful and fulfilling life

  3. "Patience and perseverance have a magical effect before which difficulties disappear and obstacles vanish."

    John Quincy Adams
