Sunday, April 12, 2009

Are you pursuing success?

We spend a large part of our lives trying to find success. For years we work 8 to 10 hours a day (Sometimes more) and 5 days a week (Sometimes more too) in our pursuit of success. But what is it that we are actually pursuing? Do we have goals attached to that success or are we simply pursuing success just for the sake of being successful.

I have often asked my friends the question “what is it that they want out of life?” The most common answer is that they want to be successful. Successful is such a relative term so I sometimes follow this answer with another question. Sometimes I get a more definite answer but most of the times they just say that they want to be successful.

Try asking ourselves, why am I doing this? Why am I pursuing success? These might be simple questions but a lot of people can’t answer these questions. They pursue success just for the sake of being successful. In doing this, they have created for themselves an unsubstantial goal. And when they find success, they will find that they have wasted a lifetime of effort.

So try doing this. Redefine what the word success means to you by setting a goal. Take 10 minutes out of your day, ideally in the morning when you wake up and when your mind is clear. Spend some time evaluating what the meaning of success is to you.
Then once you have an idea of what success means to you, what goals you want to achieve, write it down. Then try to identify a path, a plan of action that will lead you to that success.

If you’re already on the right path, then good, if not, seek the path that will bring you the success. Then identify the people that can help you achieve that success. Set a time limit, when do you want to achieve those goals? Identify the obstacles you might face in achieving those goals and finally, ask yourself what’s in it for you.
So, take some time to assess the following:
  1. Identify a goal
  2. Set a time limit
  3. Identify the obstacles
  4. Identify the people that you need to work with
  5. Identify a plan of action
  6. And then answer the qestion “What’s in it for me?”

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