Monday, December 22, 2008

That's it for now...

I guess at this moment, that's all I can write about. I could probably write more about the effect taking Transfer Factors is having on me, but then it would just be my own personal experience. Personally, I don't think the effect Transfer Factors would have on me would be the same as it would have on other people. Different people react differently to anything they consume.

As for now, I'm quite happy taking Transfer Factors. I find that it's easier for me to sleep at night and trust me, that is a big thing for me. I used to have difficulty sleeping at night. I'd sometimes switch the lights of at around 2.00 in the morning and switch them on again a half hour later because I couldn't sleep.

I don't do that anymore. Nowadays, whenever I want to sleep at night, I lay down, and I'm out like the lights. Of course there are still nights that I stay up quite late. But then that's mainly because I want to and not because I can't sleep.

Another difference I've noticed since I've been taking 4Life Transfer Factors is that whenever I go on my weekend climbs, my body doesn't ache all over anymore. I still feel tired from the climb. Anybody would. But before taking Transfer Factors, my leg muscles would be sore for a few days and I'd have difficulty climbing down stairs.

Now, I'd just feel tired after the climb and maybe for the rest of the day. But the next morning, I'd be fine. In fact, last weekend, I went for the climb twice I went alone on Saturday and I went there again with a friend on Sunday. I was quite surprised I made it.

So far, I guess those are the noticeable effects Transfer Factors have had on me. I guess it does make a difference. I'm feeling much better than I've ever felt anytime during the last 4 years. I still don't know if it would have any other effects and I don't know if it will improve my health or not. But so far, it has done quite a good job in improving my life. Thanks to Juliana Idris for introducing 4Life Transfer Factors to me.

So that's about all I can write about for now. I'll be able to write more when I join the 4Life Transfer Factors business. I will also write if there are any other noticeable changes to my health, fitness or lifestyle while taking the 4Life Transfer Factors products. In the mean time, thanks for reading. See you back here again soon, I hope.

What I'm taking...

I've written down what I know so far about Transfer Factors. I didn't really write much as I'm no doctor, not a pharmacist either, nor am I an enthusiast. I'm just your regular average joe who's hoping that he can live a little bit longer than most other average joes. I think I'll know more once I join the business and have to explain it to potential downlines or clients.

Now that I've written what I know about Transfer Factors, it's time for me to tell you what I'm consuming. Once again, let me remind you, I haven't joined the business, so I really don't have much literature on it. Thus I don't really know much about it. All I know is that I'm taking 2 of 4life Transfer Factors products.

The first product I'm taking is 4Life's TF Advanced Formula (which is in the picture above). They come in the form of capsules and each bottle contains 60 capsules. Once you open the bottles, what you get is a creamy coloured powder inside the capsules like the picture below.

I could write about all the good things about 4Life TF Advanced Formula. But then I'd be repeating what is written down on 4Life's official website. So rather than waste my time rewriting what is already out there, here are some of the benfits of consuming 4Life's zTF Advanced Formula copied directly from their website:
The second product I'm taking is the 4Life's TF Advanced Formula Plus. Like the Advanced Formula, it comes in a bottle consisting of 60 capsules too (Similar to the one pictured above). The powder inside the capsules are slightly darker as pictured below. More like a greyish color. And like above, I'm just going to copy directly from 4Life's website the benefits of TF Advanced Factor Plus which are:
  • Maitake and Shiitake Mushrooms—long known to promote T-Cell (immune system) function and other healing properties.
Now I guess you must be wondering whether both of these products work. That's for another post. I can't really say for certain whether they work or not at the moment as I've only been consuming them for just over a couple of weeks. And the problem I have now is that I'm running out. Since I'm broke, I can't really jin the business or buy the products. Looks like I might have to rely on my good friend Juliana Idris again for some free samples.

P/s: I might have uploaded the wrong photo for 4Life's TF Advanced Formula Plus. It looks more creamy than greyish.

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Do I even know what transfer factors are?

I believe Transfer Factor is, without a doubt, the greatest discovery of the century in supporting and modulating the immune system. I believe a strengthened immune system will be the primary way to stay well in the future. This nutrient can affect the immune system like nothing else can. I sincerely believe everyone should consume this product."
Rob Robertson, M.D

Before I start talking about 4life Transfer Factors products, I guess I should answer the main question first. Do I even know what they are? I guess the only way both you and I will know whether I know what I'm talking about is to write something about Transfer Factors (This is a blog anyway) and from there we'll both find out if I know what I'm talking about (Sorry, that sentence is a bit long and made too many turns. I might have lost some of you along the way).

As far as I can understand it, Transfer Factors are molecules which are part of the human body's immune system. The immune system consists of smart cells or smart molecules which enables the body to fight off diseases and also allergies. Transfer Factors represents one of the classes of smart molecules. The human body has millions of these Transfer Factors coursing through our body.

Transfer Factor molecules are very unique. First of all, they store information about diseases r allergies which have been contracted by the body. For example, if you've had chicken pox as a child, you will not get chicken pox again, The reason why you don't get it again is because Transfer Factors in your immune system will remember the germ and also remember how to fight it off.

The second reason why it's a unique molecule is that it is transferrable. A breastfeeding mother not only transfers essential nutrients to a baby while breastfeeding, she also provides the child with Transfer Factors which helps the child's body to strengthen the immune system.

Another reason why Transfer Factors are unique is that it's not spesies specific. Transfer Factors from any species can be transferred to the human body to strengthen the immune system.

That's more or less what I know about Transfer Factors at the moment. I haven't exactly made an in depth study about it as most of the research material I have is quite technical (Takes a while to understand). Btu what I do know is that the more Transfer Factors you have streaming through your body, the better. It helps to strengthen your immune system and that is a good thing. A very very good thing.

"Harnessing the potential of transfer factors represents the greatest leap forward in the history of nutritional science. Targeting transfer factors opens a complete new dimension in technological advancement in health and nutrition. Never before in the history of Network Marketing has there been a product introduced into this industry that has such vast supporting science, studied by such a diverse group of researchers that were without commercial interest." David Markowitz, M.D.

Friday, December 19, 2008

More about me....

Just a little bit more about me. Be patient. I'll start writing about the products and the business real soon. Once I've joined of course. To be honest with, I haven't joined the 4life Transfer Factors business yet. The reason being, it costs RM 600.00 ringgit to join and at the moment, I'm BROKE (Notice how I typed that in caps. That's how serious the situation is).

At this particular moment, I have around RM 200.00 in cash, another RM 8.00 in my Maybank account, about RM 30.00 in my Ambank account and another RM 10.00 in my Bank Islam account (which I hardly use anymore). So, RM 248.00 is the total cash balance that I have now.

Apart from that, I'm 4 months behind on my car repayments, I'm also 2 months outstanding bill on my electricity bill, 4 months outstanding on my maintenance bill and 6 months outstanding on my house internet bill. Isn't life peachy. And to top all that, my car is also falling apart due to lack of regular maintenance. So that's the situation I'm in now.

I guess some people would be wondering how I got this way. It all started 4 years ago when I got retrenched from my last full time job. Times were pretty bad then and I couldn't get myself another job. So, I decided to work freelance while waiting for something a bit more permanent.

At first, freelancing wasn't too bad. I was able to get by, no outstanding bills or car repayments. It wasn't great. I wasn't going to get rich out of it, but I wasn't sleeping under a bridge somewhere. Then at the beginning of 2008, things didn't go to well. I was expecting to be offered a full time job at the beginning of the year and had already started turning down some of my regular clients. When I didn't get the job offer, I didn't have any jobs lined. I had to go out there and start freelancing again.

This was when I decided to give internet marketing a try. I stuck with it for 2 months, spending my savings to survive, and when that didn't work out, things got really bad. My savings were gone and I didn't have any job prospects for 4 months. When you add the fact that one of my clients from a freelancing job I did back then didn't pay me (he's been delaying paying me for 8 months now), things were going to get from bad to worse.

So there I was, no job, no future job potential, no savings, and a bunch of outstanding bills to pay. It took me until July to get another freelancing job offer which lasted until September (That helped a lot to cover some of the outstanding bills), then after that I started to help my uncle with one of his projects in which he would pay me from time to time.

I'm still helping out my uncle with his projects, but the payment is not very frequent so I've started to pile up the bills again. So this is where I am now. BROKE and trying to raise the money to start the 4life Transfer Factors business. Let's see how far I get this time.

Thursday, December 18, 2008

A bit more about me...

Before I start telling you more about what 4 life's Transfer Factors does for me, let me tell you a bit more about myself. I'm 38, divorced, and live with my mom (All that isn't relevant except for my age. The rest is self promotion). My family, my mom and dad that is, has a history of diabetes, heart problems, high blood pressure and high cholesterol levels. As all these are hereditary health problems, sooner or later, I'll probably get one of them.

Apart from having a high risk of getting these health problems, I also tend to add to the risk by some of the things I do and don't do. First of all, I'm a smoker. I have been one for the last 27 years. I started when I was 11 (I wasn't a serious smoker then) and for the last 15 years or so, I've been on 2 packs per day. I was on 3 packs per day at one point in my life, but that was only for a period of 2 years.

Besides being a smoker, I also tend to-indulge myself when it comes to eating. I eat almost everything. I don't count calories, I don't refrain myself from eating too much, I eat high cholesterol foods, everything. (At point of writing, I just finished stuffing my face with a french toast with peanut butter on the inside and drenched in butter and honey).

I also have a sweet tooth, which isn't very good since I do have a high sugar level. Whenever I go for a buffet lunch, most of my trips to the buffet table would be for dessert. Only one trip would be for th main meal, and the rest would be for anything sweet. I also have an addiction to caffeine. I consume about 8 cups of coffee per day (I have cut it down to about 4 right now).

Apart from these potential problems which I am creating myself, I also have problems sleeping at night. This started since my divorce 4 years ago. I currently get about 4 or 5 hours sleep per night every night. So I don't get enough rest.

Any other person, given these circumstances, would probably exercise more to maintain some semblance of health. Not me. Over the last 15 years, I've never been to a gym, and I can count with my fingers the number of times I've gone jogging. However, recently, I've taken up walking up hills at the Forest Research Institute of Malaysia forest reserve here in Kuala Lumpur as a form of exercise. It's a pretty steep climb and quite long so I do get a decent workout out of it.

So that's most of what I can tell you about the present me. The future me, well lets see how 4life's Transfer Factors works for me.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Why I decided to start...

I first heard about Transfer Factors quite a while ago when I was exploring the internet trying to venture into internet marketing. That was about 8 months ago and my internet marketing venture never took off. It started well, but then dwindled for a couple of months and then completely died about 2 months later.

After going through the experience of watching something I spent months trying to build go down the drain, I wasn't that keen on starting anything new. But then my friend, Juliana Idris introduced me to Transfer Factors about three weeks ago. She was very passionate about Transfer Factors, promoting it on every social networking site she has joined. She was also very persistent, so I agreed to give it a try.

You see, Juliana has known me for well over a year. When we first met, my weight was about 78 kilos. The first few months of knowing her, I didn't really have any health problems. But when I started to venture into internet marketing 8 months ago, I started to lose weight, rapidly. Within the space of a couple of months, I lost about 8 kilos. I continued to lose weight. About 2 months ago, my weight dropped to 68 kilos.

Now under any other circumstances, I'd be very happy at losing all that weight. The last time I was 68 kilos was when I left high school. But now, 20 years later, I'm back to that weight. To cut the story short, one day, my dad bought this portable tester that can check the sugar level in your blood. Since I was losing all this weight, he asked me to give it a try and check my sugar level. The result was I had a reading of 22.8. Normal would be below 7.0.

So I had a very high sugar level in my blood. Time to cut down on the sweets. Cutting down on my sugar intake was pretty easy. Together with prescribed medication, I managed to bring my sugar level to 6.9. So as long as I didn't increase my sugar intake, I should be fine. But then I started wondering, how much longer am I going to have to drink bitter coffee?

When Juliana told me about Transfer Factors and its ability to control diabetes. I thought I'll give it a try. The product she gave me was 4life Transfer Factors. I've been taking them for about 2 weeks now and next week, I'm going to check my sugar level again. Hope for the best.

The first two photos of me were taken over a year ago. I weighed 78 kg then. The last two, which is of me and my niece were taken quite recently. The first being a few weeks ago and the other a couple of months ago. By then I had already lost 10 kilos. I lost all this weight due to the high sugar level in my blood. Time to put a stop to that.