Just a little bit more about me. Be patient. I'll start writing about the products and the business real soon. Once I've joined of course. To be honest with, I haven't joined the 4life Transfer Factors business yet. The reason being, it costs RM 600.00 ringgit to join and at the moment, I'm BROKE (Notice how I typed that in caps. That's how serious the situation is).
At this particular moment, I have around RM 200.00 in cash, another RM 8.00 in my Maybank account, about RM 30.00 in my Ambank account and another RM 10.00 in my Bank Islam account (which I hardly use anymore). So, RM 248.00 is the total cash balance that I have now.
Apart from that, I'm 4 months behind on my car repayments, I'm also 2 months outstanding bill on my electricity bill, 4 months outstanding on my maintenance bill and 6 months outstanding on my house internet bill. Isn't life peachy. And to top all that, my car is also falling apart due to lack of regular maintenance. So that's the situation I'm in now.
I guess some people would be wondering how I got this way. It all started 4 years ago when I got retrenched from my last full time job. Times were pretty bad then and I couldn't get myself another job. So, I decided to work freelance while waiting for something a bit more permanent.
At first, freelancing wasn't too bad. I was able to get by, no outstanding bills or car repayments. It wasn't great. I wasn't going to get rich out of it, but I wasn't sleeping under a bridge somewhere. Then at the beginning of 2008, things didn't go to well. I was expecting to be offered a full time job at the beginning of the year and had already started turning down some of my regular clients. When I didn't get the job offer, I didn't have any jobs lined. I had to go out there and start freelancing again.
This was when I decided to give internet marketing a try. I stuck with it for 2 months, spending my savings to survive, and when that didn't work out, things got really bad. My savings were gone and I didn't have any job prospects for 4 months. When you add the fact that one of my clients from a freelancing job I did back then didn't pay me (he's been delaying paying me for 8 months now), things were going to get from bad to worse.
So there I was, no job, no future job potential, no savings, and a bunch of outstanding bills to pay. It took me until July to get another freelancing job offer which lasted until September (That helped a lot to cover some of the outstanding bills), then after that I started to help my uncle with one of his projects in which he would pay me from time to time.
I'm still helping out my uncle with his projects, but the payment is not very frequent so I've started to pile up the bills again. So this is where I am now. BROKE and trying to raise the money to start the 4life Transfer Factors business. Let's see how far I get this time.